New management yet again posted by savant on 06-04-2006 13:26
After a quick pm to Prophet][, I, Sir Savant (Dark Savant0 for some) am now staff here at devcast.
Hopefully I can get the ball rolling again on this site, and perhaps even change the layout.
Wish us luck and send in those mods!!! comments: 41 send to friend
Dc OC video! posted by Zerotype on 04-23-2005 13:34
Here is an update that I'm sure all of you have been waiting for. A video of the Dreamcast running a hardware tests at 200mhz(normal clock speed) and 240mhz(overclocked speed). Big thanks for UCM for supplying us the video made by him. He can be contacted via Aim: RobIsAbigMan. You might remember him from translating the dc oc guide from Japanese to English. Anyways, without futher adu here is the video. (video link here) http://media.nulltards.com/Dc.Oc.Demo.UCM.wmvbr> (link fixed) comments: 44 send to friend full story
Universal Controller posted by Synlor on 02-27-2005 15:57
Egads, an update from Synlor? Yes, hell did freeze over last night. But yes, finally an update after a long wrestling season that took up most of my time. I have been working on some PIC microcontroller stuff, and I have posted my NES decoding routine. I have plans for several other controllers, and making them all work in a single chip. But in the mean time check out the "Universal Controller Conversion" (yes, the name sucks, I'm working on a good one) for all the info I have up now. Fare warning, this is a mod for more experianced people. Thats all for now  comments: 3022 send to friend
New management. posted by Zerotype on 02-15-2005 18:53
The site is now under the management of Xylene and I ( zerotype). You should notice a slew of updates in the not so far future. We hope to bring you more recent news. Also if you want to submit mods send them to me ( vaderofall@gmail.com ) or Xylene ( e1x5x@comcast.net ). We will get them posted as soon as we possibly can. Hope you enjoy the change. NOTE: We also might be adding mattthemodder to our rooster.
comments: 10327 send to friend
OMG NEWS! posted by Prophet[] on 02-13-2005 22:37
But not good news I'm afriad, I'm finding it hard to have a social life lately, let alone work on this site. Uni and work have taken up alot of my time in the last 6 months so after resurecting devcast from the grave it seems it has started to fall back in. So i'm now trying to find someone to take over the site who has the time to work on it and keep it updated. Maybe in time I will come back to help out but for now its just too hard to fit into my schedule. Sorry.
If your interested in taking over the site let me know, but I will only be interested in people who know their hardware and have been active members on the forum for some time. comments: 545 send to friend
Portable DC posted by Prophet[] on 11-21-2004 23:09
No, sorry, no real update yet, still got 2 exams left this week. I'm already in holiday mode though, no real studying is going on but if I work on the site I will just feel more guilty for not studying.
Just letting people know bout a protable DC that a guy made, its pretty neat and you can see it in the topic about it below. I thought it was so neat is deserves its own news post.
Read More Here comments: 797 send to friend
Few Updates posted by Prophet[] on 08-08-2004 23:35
Have a few updates, firstly we have 4 new tuts thanks to Ted who sent in some stuff after some people have been asking him about his mods in the gallery, so we have a internal VGA, another NES controller (This time with a MadCatz controller) and a Tremor Pack LED Tutorials from TED. From la_eternal we have a VMU Battery tutorial.
Also thanks to Ted we have a new gallery page full of his work. And thanks also to MattTheModder who has given us his resistor calculator which will calculate what resister is needed when hooking up LEDs to large power supplies. This is in the New Downloads section.
I have put up a new Articles section in the Links area, over time I will add articles and posts which I have found useful and informative as well as interesting to DC hardware. comments: 37 send to friend
New Stuff! posted by Prophet[] on 07-17-2004 00:57
Exams are over. YA!!. So now I've had time to make a quick update. Their now a new Fan LED Tutorial thanks the Chris B. Their is also a new gallery with some pics people have recently posted and sent me. I've just noticed that the pictures on the left side bar aren't working properly so I will get them fix soon. Also some links were updated and I will hopefully have a new tut I'm writting done soon. comments: 8267 send to friend